That’s Mister Saffell to you!

There’ll be a small change in our kids’ classes from April. But it’s a meaningful change.

Except for our pre-kids’ classes, all children shall address their teachers by “title + surname,” that is, “Mr.” or “Ms.” plus the family name. For example, I will be “Mr. Saffell,” while Jennifer will be “Ms. Fred.”

Why the change? Don’t we want to encourage a relaxed “American” atmosphere by using first names?

In most adult classes…yes. But in children’s classes, this is unrealistic and misleading.

In Japanese elementary, middle and high schools, do the students address their teachers by first name? Of course not! You can imagine what would happen if they tried to.

Well…America’s the same. Teachers are addressed respectfully by their family names. To do otherwise would be rude.

In our adult classes, we strive to make our English study situationally realistic. The English must be appropriate to the situation. The same holds true for kids’ classes. It’s a disservice to the children to let them think they can call their teachers by their first names. If they do so in America, they will be quickly reprimanded. It is very inappropriate.

The English we teach children at English Now! must be authentic and usable should they find themselves abroad or in some situation where they must socialize with foreigners. We definitely do not want to set the kids up for trouble.

What about the the pre-kids—the 5-year-olds who haven’t entered grade school yet?

It’s a little different, but again, we’ll do it American-style. There are variations, but the most common way for small children to address their teacher in preschool in America is “Mr./Miss + first name.” I would be “Mr. Jacques,” while Jennifer would be “Miss Jennifer.” Addressing by first-name-only is considered inappropriate by many because it puts the adult at the same level as the child. By adding the title, the child is taught to address adults with respect.

This may be a little confusing to the kids at first—and maybe to Mom and Dad as well, but it should become second nature within a few months. Just remember that it’s all part of preparing our kids in the best way possible to effectively communicate in the big world out there.

ジャック?いいえ、"Mr. Saffell"です!


Pre-Kidsクラスを除き、今後は全キッズクラスで先生のことを「敬称+名字」で呼んでもらうことになりました。つまり私のことなら"Mr. Saffell"、ジェニファー先生なら"Ms. Fred"となりますね。






English Now!では、国内外問わず外国人と上手く交流を図れるようになるため、子供達にリアルで実用的な英語を指導しています。私達は、彼らが困るようなことは絶対にしたくありませんから。


多少の違いはあるものの、しかし私達はあくまでアメリカンスタイルにこだわります。広い国ですので地域により異なる部分もありますが、アメリカの幼稚園では一般的に、先生達は"Mr./Miss"に「下の名前」をつけて呼ばれます。つまり、私は"Mr. Jacques"になりますし、Jennifer先生は"Miss Jennifer"となる訳です。ファーストネームだけを呼び捨てにさせるのは、大人を子供と同じ立場に置くように感じられ、好ましくありません。"Mr."などの敬称を付けることにより、子供達は敬意を持って大人に呼びかけることを学びます。
