January 2014
Empty your Cup!
01/27/14 Filed in: how to study
“Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned.”
—Mark Twain
There is a well-known anecdote among Bruce Lee fans about how he emphasized “emptying your cup” to his students. I had originally heard this story attributed to the Meiji era Zen monk Nan’in about when he was visited by a university professor asking about Zen:
“Nan’in served tea. He poured his visitor’s cup full, and then kept on pouring. The professor watched the overflow until he no longer could restrain himself. ‘It is overfull. No more will go in!’ ‘Like this cup,’ Nan’in said, ‘you are full of your own opinions and speculation. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?’”†
This holds true, not only in the worlds of Zen and martial arts, but in language study, also. We’re stuffed full of information and habits that get in the way of really breaking through to becoming truly communicative in English.
Some of these barriers are easy to identify. One of the most obvious, yet difficult to overcome in Japan, is “katakana English.” To the great detriment of the Japanese student, the powers-that-be have insisted on using katakana to express the pronunciation of foreign languages. As has been commented on so many times before, this is utterly hopeless. Many of the myriad sounds employed by the other languages of the world simply cannot be duplicated by the Japanese syllabary. Stubborn insistence on doing so for whatever reason is a lost cause. Yet this fantasy continues to be imposed upon generation after generation of diligent Japanese students of English.
Regrettably—and painfully—the resulting Japanese-English pronunciation must be completely unlearned to make real progress in learning communicative English. The cup must be emptied to fill it again.
Other barriers are more subtle. Why is it that two different individuals can spend years abroad, but one comes to speak very effective, communicative English while the other never really improves? Take the example of a foreigner who, although living in America, doesn’t go out to explore much and insists on eating his own country’s food, socializing in his native language with other ex-patriots, watching his own country’s media on his TV and computer, and listening exclusively to his favorite music from his country. Compare him with another who explores the outside world often, actively socializes with everybody—and usually in English, eats everything, immerses himself in English media, and listens to music in English. Is it a big surprise that the former’s English never improves much, while latter’s progresses by leaps and bounds?
All too often we hear people say that, unlike some lucky others, they simply don’t have the talent to learn foreign languages. Could it be their reluctance to empty their cup? Learning a new language requires changing your world view. Your brain will be working in new ways, making new connections and filtering data from the world differently. If you’re stubborn and inflexible in your world view, you’ll surely have trouble with this.
This problem is not limited to learning English. Sadly, there are many Westerners in Japan who make very little effort to learn Japanese. They enjoy life here without it, as they benefit from a positive prejudice toward Westerners. Learning Japanese would require them making a profound effort to not only study, but to more deeply understand Japanese society and culture. Consequently, they would have to take more responsibility for their behavior. Why bother? Ignorance is bliss.
To truly learn, empty your cup!
† Paul Reps and Nyogen Senzaki, Zen Flesh Zen Bones: A Collection of Zen and Pre-Zen Writings (Tuttle, 1957) 19.
"empty your cup(自分のカップを空にしなさい)"ブルース・リーが教え子にこれを説くことは、彼のファンの間ではちょっと有名な話です。私の場合、そもそもこの主張に出会ったのは明治時代の禅僧、南隠の著書がきっかけでした。そこでは南隠と、禅について知る為に訪ねてきた大学教授とのこんなやり取りが描かれています。
—Mark Twain
There is a well-known anecdote among Bruce Lee fans about how he emphasized “emptying your cup” to his students. I had originally heard this story attributed to the Meiji era Zen monk Nan’in about when he was visited by a university professor asking about Zen:
“Nan’in served tea. He poured his visitor’s cup full, and then kept on pouring. The professor watched the overflow until he no longer could restrain himself. ‘It is overfull. No more will go in!’ ‘Like this cup,’ Nan’in said, ‘you are full of your own opinions and speculation. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?’”†
This holds true, not only in the worlds of Zen and martial arts, but in language study, also. We’re stuffed full of information and habits that get in the way of really breaking through to becoming truly communicative in English.
Some of these barriers are easy to identify. One of the most obvious, yet difficult to overcome in Japan, is “katakana English.” To the great detriment of the Japanese student, the powers-that-be have insisted on using katakana to express the pronunciation of foreign languages. As has been commented on so many times before, this is utterly hopeless. Many of the myriad sounds employed by the other languages of the world simply cannot be duplicated by the Japanese syllabary. Stubborn insistence on doing so for whatever reason is a lost cause. Yet this fantasy continues to be imposed upon generation after generation of diligent Japanese students of English.
Regrettably—and painfully—the resulting Japanese-English pronunciation must be completely unlearned to make real progress in learning communicative English. The cup must be emptied to fill it again.
Other barriers are more subtle. Why is it that two different individuals can spend years abroad, but one comes to speak very effective, communicative English while the other never really improves? Take the example of a foreigner who, although living in America, doesn’t go out to explore much and insists on eating his own country’s food, socializing in his native language with other ex-patriots, watching his own country’s media on his TV and computer, and listening exclusively to his favorite music from his country. Compare him with another who explores the outside world often, actively socializes with everybody—and usually in English, eats everything, immerses himself in English media, and listens to music in English. Is it a big surprise that the former’s English never improves much, while latter’s progresses by leaps and bounds?
All too often we hear people say that, unlike some lucky others, they simply don’t have the talent to learn foreign languages. Could it be their reluctance to empty their cup? Learning a new language requires changing your world view. Your brain will be working in new ways, making new connections and filtering data from the world differently. If you’re stubborn and inflexible in your world view, you’ll surely have trouble with this.
This problem is not limited to learning English. Sadly, there are many Westerners in Japan who make very little effort to learn Japanese. They enjoy life here without it, as they benefit from a positive prejudice toward Westerners. Learning Japanese would require them making a profound effort to not only study, but to more deeply understand Japanese society and culture. Consequently, they would have to take more responsibility for their behavior. Why bother? Ignorance is bliss.
To truly learn, empty your cup!
† Paul Reps and Nyogen Senzaki, Zen Flesh Zen Bones: A Collection of Zen and Pre-Zen Writings (Tuttle, 1957) 19.
"empty your cup(自分のカップを空にしなさい)"ブルース・リーが教え子にこれを説くことは、彼のファンの間ではちょっと有名な話です。私の場合、そもそもこの主張に出会ったのは明治時代の禅僧、南隠の著書がきっかけでした。そこでは南隠と、禅について知る為に訪ねてきた大学教授とのこんなやり取りが描かれています。
Boys Rule!
01/26/14 Filed in: teaching kids
“Otoko wa tsurai yo!” is not just for old Tora-san movies.
Boys have it rough—especially these days with the emphasis on political correctness and banishing assertive, competitive behavior in the education of young children.
To paraphrase the comedian Rodney Dangerfield, “We don’t get no respect!” The boys are not understood for what they are and the ladies often just seem to want us to calm down and act like the girls.
Through pre-school and elementary school, most of our teachers are women, and many just don’t seem to condone boys being boys. We take longer to emotionally mature—often much longer. We’re extremely physical. We have regular shots of high powered energy many times a day—testosterone surges— that just have to be blown off somewhere. Just telling us to sit down, hold still, be quiet, and focus on our study won’t cut it. In fact, it may be an impossibility for many of us.
As a result, we quickly become labeled as disruptive, uncooperative, aggressive, and unable to concentrate.
We’re guilty of being boys.
Okay, this is tongue-in-cheek—but not entirely. The boys often are expected to act in a manner they are simply not capable of yet—at least until they get a few more years of growing up.
At English Now!, most of our teachers are guys, and as guys we grew up facing the same problems in school as many of our boy students. We can empathize. Almost every one of us acted up in class when we were young—and was reprimanded for it. This doesn’t mean at English Now! we let the boys get away with disruptive behavior, but it does mean that we understand it better and can redirect it more positively—while letting the boys be boys.
Our teachers work hard to bring life to English study so that it’s not just more schoolwork—it’s something exciting with real meaning for the kids’ lives. We keep the boys in line—like good coaches—and we try to focus all that wonderful, wild energy into learning in a stimulating way.
So ladies, cut us some slack and resign yourselves to the fact that sometimes we just need a few more years before we can calm down, sit still and study English like the girls. Our progress is likely to be slower, but…don’t worry...
We’re just boys!
ENGLISH NOW!の講師は大半が男性であり、過去には今ちょうど男の子たちが直面しているのと同じような問題にもぶつかってきました。誰もが授業中にふざけて叱られた経験がある、と断言してもいいでしょう。もちろん、だからといって暴れ回る生徒をそのままにしている訳ではありませんよ。そこは誤解しないで下さいね。ただ、私たちは男の子の気持ちをよく理解できます。それ故に、頭ごなしに叱るのではなく、彼らが自分らしくいながら、気持ちを英語に持っていくよう仕向けることができるのです。
Boys have it rough—especially these days with the emphasis on political correctness and banishing assertive, competitive behavior in the education of young children.
To paraphrase the comedian Rodney Dangerfield, “We don’t get no respect!” The boys are not understood for what they are and the ladies often just seem to want us to calm down and act like the girls.
Through pre-school and elementary school, most of our teachers are women, and many just don’t seem to condone boys being boys. We take longer to emotionally mature—often much longer. We’re extremely physical. We have regular shots of high powered energy many times a day—testosterone surges— that just have to be blown off somewhere. Just telling us to sit down, hold still, be quiet, and focus on our study won’t cut it. In fact, it may be an impossibility for many of us.
As a result, we quickly become labeled as disruptive, uncooperative, aggressive, and unable to concentrate.
We’re guilty of being boys.
Okay, this is tongue-in-cheek—but not entirely. The boys often are expected to act in a manner they are simply not capable of yet—at least until they get a few more years of growing up.
At English Now!, most of our teachers are guys, and as guys we grew up facing the same problems in school as many of our boy students. We can empathize. Almost every one of us acted up in class when we were young—and was reprimanded for it. This doesn’t mean at English Now! we let the boys get away with disruptive behavior, but it does mean that we understand it better and can redirect it more positively—while letting the boys be boys.
Our teachers work hard to bring life to English study so that it’s not just more schoolwork—it’s something exciting with real meaning for the kids’ lives. We keep the boys in line—like good coaches—and we try to focus all that wonderful, wild energy into learning in a stimulating way.
So ladies, cut us some slack and resign yourselves to the fact that sometimes we just need a few more years before we can calm down, sit still and study English like the girls. Our progress is likely to be slower, but…don’t worry...
We’re just boys!
ENGLISH NOW!の講師は大半が男性であり、過去には今ちょうど男の子たちが直面しているのと同じような問題にもぶつかってきました。誰もが授業中にふざけて叱られた経験がある、と断言してもいいでしょう。もちろん、だからといって暴れ回る生徒をそのままにしている訳ではありませんよ。そこは誤解しないで下さいね。ただ、私たちは男の子の気持ちをよく理解できます。それ故に、頭ごなしに叱るのではなく、彼らが自分らしくいながら、気持ちを英語に持っていくよう仕向けることができるのです。