No Zombies Allowed!

It happens everyday.

In our classes here at English Now!, we focus first on listening and comprehending, but once some proficiency has been achieved, we move on to speaking.

Learning must be 2-way: both passive and active. Giving must follow taking. Before generating our own original expressions, though, we first do listen-and-repeat (L-&-R) practice with the teacher to work on our pronunciation and intonation.

But it happens almost every single time: the zombie effect!

As soon as we begin our L-&-R practice, most of the students shift into “zombie mode,” where they robotically repeat back what the teacher said without a hint of feeling or emotion. They stare down or blankly into space and speak flatly, powerlessly, with no intonation whatsoever.

Mehrabian’s Rule, otherwise known as the 7%-38%-55% Rule, states that in any face-to-face communication expressing feelings and attitudes, 7% of the communication is by words, 38% by tone of voice, and 55% by body language. In other words, you transmit your message 7% verbally, 38% vocally, and 55% visually. These are “The 3 V’s.”

Meaningful English practice requires emotional commitment. Such practice will not only give you more realistic English in the classroom, but will be more likely to stick with you far into the future. Your imagination and your ability to creatively visualize will be the foundation of your success. When you repeat back a phrase––whether with the teacher or with a CD or video––bring drama and emotion to it. Vividly imagine a situation where you are actually speaking this line to a real person––and give it the intonation, the dynamics and the body language that should go with it. Don’t leave out 93% of the communication: the vocal and the visual.

We all remember both good and bad teachers from our school days. The good teachers stood out because of their enthusiasm and their total commitment to communicating their subject in a multitude of ways. Likewise, any good presenter or salesperson immediately communicates her enthusiasm about her topic.

Last month we looked at the power of emotion in advertising and how it makes a product memorable. This same power applied to your English study will hugely accelerate your learning and retention. Enhance your practice with the vocal and the visual: emphasize dramatic intonation and, yes, body language, too. Don’t be shy!

Language is alive. No zombies allowed!

『 練習は感情を込めて!』


English Now!ではレッスンの際、まずリスニングと内容把握を行いますが、ある一定の理解度に達したところでスピーキングの練習に移行します。

学習にはインプットとアウトプットの二つの方法が必要となります。何かを発するためには、その元となるものを自身の中に取り込まなくてはなりません。自分の独自の表現を作る前に、講師と"listen-and repeat(L-&-R)" つまりは聞き取りと繰り返しの練習をしっかり行い、発音とイントネーションをものにする必要があります。

しかしどのレッスン中でも起こってしまう現象が "Zombie effect(ゾンビエフェクト)"です。




